For The Love of Frameworks

08 Oct 2020

Have you ever tried to write out a complete website from just using the unrefined HTML and CSS languages? Neither have I.. The time consumption of trying to code every single detail of a website without any kind of help is honestly embarassing. Althoug, there will always be people who are willing to do that. But I mean come on, why would you put yourself there? This is where implementations of guided schemes come in.

Learning how to use Semantic UI

About 6 days ago, we were introduced to an implementation called “Semantic UI”. So far it has been quite an experience trying to implement different classes in our code. Frameworks reminds me a lot of underscore because of how many functions were available. I’ve honestly haven’t gone through all the underscore function. So I don’t really seeing myself going through all the classes in Frameworks. However, I have to say that UI Frameworks helps a lot more when we have required projects to complete. For example, one of our assignment asked us to recreate any website we wanted. This was legitimately one of the more enjoyable work that I’ve had to finish.

My gratitude to whoever created Semantics

The way we can have such a variety of customizations in terms of HTML, amazes me. So I have to show my appreciation to the team that created it. I’ve grown to really like how we are able to use frameworks with ease. The one thing that can turn off other people is the amount of code that stacks up over time. But in the near future, that maybe fixed with another type of implementation. So for the time being, we can just improve our writing of code by learning new ways in creating html and css files.