
What is HMARCamino?

HMARCamino is a reporting application developed by HACCamino, where Staff Members, Volunteers, and the General public can access it to help the Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR) be as efficient and effective when it comes to reporting marine animal sightings and distress. Previously, HMAR’s only way of getting reports are from a hoteline number. This method is not only inefficient but can be an issue if a user does not have cell signal where ever they are. By having an application, a user can take a photo of the sighting, then can be upload at a later time when they have enough cell service. For the staff members at HMAR, they will have the ability to access and review all reports that are coming in. This makes the organization of all the different reports simplier and easier to view. For all reports, it will need to be approved by a staff member at HMAR so that it can be passed on to the volunteers to do their job.

Interested in HMARCamino Application?

Here is our DEVPOST: here.

Here is our github repository: HMARCamino.

View our deployed website: here.

Contribution to HMARCamino

One of the main features that I was able to develop was the admin dashboard. This dashboard shows the list of reports that have been submitted. Along with report analytics, where it shows the cases by animal, island, and reports each month. To make sure the graphs were displaying real data, we had to fetch the collections that stores all reports. On the dashboard the user can also export the reports as a csv file. That can be used for professional use. I worked with Anna to make this work correctly.

Another feature I was able to develop was the resource page. This page was used as a reference for the different facilities and organization that the general public can look at. I was able to link all the websites of the different organizations that can be visited. I also was able to make the phone numbers clickable, where it will ask you to call the phone number.

A win that was unexpected.

After completing the Meteor Hackathon, we went straight into participating in the Hawaii Annual Coding Challenge (HACC). My group were already exhausted with the application that we recently develop. However, that didn’t stop us from trying our best to create a complete application. Although we had more time in developing this application, we also had a lot of deadlines and requirements to be met. On top of that, we all had many midterms and projects to complete while trying to create this application. Unfortunately, our mindset for this hackathon was to create an exceptional application rather than winning the HACC. Spoiler Alert! We were able to win 1st place against all the other teams. If we all had more time to develop, I honestly believe it would have made our application a lot better. We could’ve possibly made our application available and installable on both App Stores. One of the main points I’ve realized while participating in both the Meteor and HACC hackathons is that having a team that knows each others strengths is one of the keys to succeeding. Instead of creating roles and levels of authority, we all worked as equal teammates. It came to a point where asking for help from each other is not as difficult as it was in the beginning of the semester. It feels like I’ve known my group for many years. But in reality we only met this past August. Overall my experience in the hackathons have been quite an adventure. But an adventure that I am willing to continue.